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Learning activity Komárno, Slovakia

The last learning activity was organized virtually because of the pandemic situation caused by Covid-19.

Partner organisations selected a group of at least 6 students and 2 teachers to participate on the virtual learning activity.

The first day was about getting to know each other and to get familiar with the virtual environment used during the learning activity. After a short virtual school visit participants got useful information about Slovakia, Nitra region and Komárno with an emphasis on investment and entrepreneurial opportunities. Later the participants were divided into internationally mixed groups; each group had at least one member from each school. Participants worked on the project tasks during the whole virtual learning activity in their mixed team using g-mail applications.

The second day was about BUDGET/FINANCES. Teachers prepared learning materials and activities aiming at the history and forms of money, why do we need money, how is money made, what sources of getting money do companies have, why is important to create a business budget, and how to make business budgets. Students worked in mixed group on shared sheets to create a business budget for their imaginary company.

The 3rd day was dedicated to OPENING A BUSINESS BANK ACCOUNT. Participating schools prepared a presentation and explained the banking system in their country and gave basic information about the possibilities of opening a business bank account. After an online discussion about the differences between participating countries students worked in mixed groups. They created a database comparing interest rates and fees in each participating country according to different case studies; they presented the outcomes to other participants.

On the next day students worked with CLIL materials, reading task based on interesting facts about famous companies. After a presentation about what do we have left when we pay all the taxes and levies and a short tutorial how to create graphs, students worked in mixed groups. During this activity mixed teams´ tasks was to analyse and compare tax systems, social and health insurance levies in participating countries and also the minimum and average salaries in the other EU countries. They processed and analysed all gathered information into the chart/pie/graph and presented their finding in front of other teams.

Day 5: VIC ONLINE CONFERENCE - Presentation of our common outcomes. The topic of the conference was the presentation of VIC. Each part was presented by students from the country responsible for one VIC part. Each day was enriched by online quizzes. The main goal of the conference was develop ICT skills, communication skills and sharing information, advice and experiences with other participants of the conferences. It was also attended by pupils and teachers of host school invited to join this virtual conference via Google Meet. Later all participants evaluated their work within the project, shared ideas and recommendation for further cooperation.


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