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Learning activity in Heraklion, Greece

The 3rd learning activity was organised in Heraklion, Greece with the participation of eight-member teams from each partner institution. The learning activity was focused on enhancing entrepreneurial and computer skills using modern mobile applications. Company visits and workshops helped participants to get inspiration how to run a sustainable business based on traditions and natural resources.

During the learning activities participants used their own smart phones to create a title, logo and slogan of their fictitious company taking into account the subject of business activity and criteria for national and international trade.

During the first day of the learning activity after welcoming ceremony at school the host organisation briefly presented the Cretan culture and history and the participants gained insight into a family owned company producing extra virgin olive oil.

During the second day the participants visited the Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Crete and had a lecture for “start up innovative business in Crete”. After a short guided tour in the historical city centre they moved to school to create their own logo using simple and effective mobile application Logopit plus or Logo maker. The ready logos were uploaded to the project´s moodle and presented to the others.

On the next day after the assessment of virtual company logo and a tutorial on how to make a commercial video slogan through interactive games and brainstorming activities students will obtain basic principles of creating slogans, which are short but effective, catchy and gripping and most importantly work well in international environment. They met given criteria, e.g. the subject of business activity and cultural differences of participating countries the participants started to make a video with Powerdirector Cyberlink Video maker. After a short school visit they built their own business video then they uploaded it to moodle to make an assessment on each company slogan.

On the fourth day of the learning activity the participants visited a company that produces plastics and eco-friendly plastics and an authentic Cretan village with a tradition in pottery art that dates back to the Minoan era. Visiting a monastery and tasting typical Cretan food connected with a performance of traditional dances and music provided participants with a comprehensive view of Cretan way of life.

The last day was dedicated to workshops aimed to finish commercial videos and logos and upload group photos taken during this learning activity. On the end the best logo, video, slogan and group photo was awarded and after the certification ceremony a short evaluation was made using moodle.


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